Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wow..I've started a blog!!

I've never blogged before, so I'm not sure how I'll do. Almost everyone I know blogs, so I thought I'd try it out. Maybe I felt like I needed to fit in.
I'm not domestic really, I know how to cook, but don't like to. I don't know how to sew, and I'm not that into scrapbooking. To me those feel like the top three things you need to do and do well in order to be domestic or a good house wife and mom.

My whole life I've struggled with self-esteem. I feel that i don't fit in and I have a hard time making friends. Honestly I don't really now why. I'm telling you all this, because this is why I've started a blog. I want to feel like I belong and that I'm not a loser or lazy. Especially since I'm not "domestic". I struggle from day to day, with good days in between, feeling that I don't measure up to the type of good house wife or mom that I see in others.

Anywho, that is my spill for the day!