Friday, July 22, 2011

Stopping and Smelling the Daisies

I have a tendency to not always live in the moment.  I seem to wait for things to happen and miss out on what is already happening around me.  I hate that I have been that way, but I have officially made up my mind to not wait around for great moments, but to find greatness in the everyday small moments!!

Tuesday morning I found my destructive sweet boy up to no good.  I was a little shocked and had a moment where I thought it would be best to discipline right away, I decided to slip away, since I wasn't noticed yet, and grab my camera.  It wasn't a life or death situation and rather comical.

First, I put the Dawn on the Mousepad .....
 Make sure it has enough on it...
 Then I rub the mousepad on the hair...
 Finally I make sure it is soaked in good!

Another great moment this week was when  Big T and I walked to the mailbox and stopped at the ditch to throw some rocks in and to smell the Daisies! Or pull the daisies tops off the stems and throw them into the water. The truth is I hadn't really noticed the daisies before, they are just barely below the road, but I always buzzed on by not appreciating their charm. 
Big T did leave me some to photograph :-)  I feel like I can relate to daisies;  Simple, Wild, Country and if I dare say a small amount of Beauty and Charm.

 I had to document the huge "No-No" known worldwide.  Socks and sandals! 
 Big T has already become a little independent on what he wants to wear.  Yesterday he wore two shirts.  And I'm not sure why he gives this gorilla face so often?

 "All done Mommy"

Well Just one more...
I Love this Photograph!  It is crazy that just tiny sprinkles of water come out, but there is millions of them in a given period and the end result is green grass!  Millions of sometimes thought of as insignificant moments make up our "green" rich life!!


  1. Very inspirational and well put. Thank you again for the pictures of Big T.

  2. I have to agree with you about finding the little things and not letting moments pass you by. I struggle with that also.
    Don't you just wonder sometimes what is going through their heads, I mean why put dish soap on the mouse pad first before rubbing it in hair. Pretty hilarious though I have to say. I love your pictures of the flowers and the sprinkler.
    We are hoping to move to Laramie the second week of August but as this has all happened so fast we are still working on a place to live. We will miss seeing you and your family as we drive through also but I am sure we will be up that way to visit sometime to see Caleb's family and we will be sure to come see you guys also.

  3. I wish I had your know how and talent! Beautiful pictures! (Funny ones too!) He's such a character! What a great moment to catch! Love ya!
