Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big T on the Move

Big T is really getting the walking thing down, a little clumsy still but that just might have to do with his breeding!  It's funny cuz when he walks he moves his right hand like he is leading a choir maybe it has to do with his balance? I'm sure enjoying him learn and discover this new talent of his.

He sure misses his daddy, he seems to gravitate to males lately, especially his Uncle Nathan, but now he is gone too, poor kiddo :-).  It just breaks my heart.  The good news is that Coach will be home in 3 days and will be home with just us for 2 whole weeks!!! It's sad that two weeks is so exciting for me, but I'll take it!

I've done okay with him being gone, I have had a meltdown or two, but I think that overall that is pretty good.  I hope that I won't keep in this patterns of meltdowns or it will be a long 400 days.  I might have to take some people up on their offers to help out every once in awhile.  Truth is that is hard to do.  I feel like if I do then I look weak or incompetent, and I want to be strong.  I feel like I need to be for my little guy! 

1 comment:

  1. I think that it takes some one who is strong to ask for help, I don't think that is weak. I think that it is weak to try to do it all by yourself when there are people that can help. I feel it is harder to ask for help. Take advantage of those willing to help because and just remember that sometimes we give service and sometimes we allow others to serve us. We have to bite our pride and allow others the blessings of service. That is how life goes. I know that I struggle with that and I do stuff on my own when Caleb is gone instead of allowing others the opportunity to serve. Learn from my mistakes and let others help you. We are here to help others make it through this life not to do it alone.
    I love you and think of you always, especially being there by yourself. I am always a call away especially when you are having a melt down.
    Enjoy your two weeks with Josh, make the most of every moment together.
