Sunday, January 22, 2012

So...In October I went into the doctor to look into trying to have another kid.  So far Josh and I haven't had any luck...we technically have been trying for 1 and half years!!  Anywho... we did some testing and Cancer was found!!  I bawled and cried and was humiliated and embarrassed.  My cancer probably could have been avoided, but alas I had my cervix!

4 months later and I'm Cancer free.  But I still had to pay a price.

The thing about cancer, sometimes it never really goes away.  And my body carries a disease that has high risk cells, which basically means that cancer can pop back up at any time.  But right now I'm cancer free and I can't think about it and constantly be worried.  As of right now I have all my workings and the thought of another child may still be in the cards!! 


  1. That's rough. I'm sorry Cami. I hope you get that next child soon.

  2. I am so sorry Cami, I am glad things are getting better and I hope that you stay cancer free. I can imagine that it would be something that you would worry about all the time. I am so grateful to have the gospel in times like this because you can put it in the Lord's hands and then have the faith that things will work out and have comfort so that you don't have to worry all the time.
    I know that another child will come to your family, it might be the way you hoped or the Lord might have a bigger plan for you but I know that another child will come to your home in some way. I know that the lord will guide you in the decisions you have to make to have another child.
    I hope keep you in my prayers. I love you so much and am glad things are better. I am always here for you.

  3. Wow, I can't type, that should say I will keep you in my prayers.

  4. Again I feel horrible for not knowing because we haven't talked in so long. I am so grateful though that you are okay. You're in my thoughts and prayers friend. I hope you know how much I love you and I will do better at showing you.
