My son, who I do adore and love, is driving me crazy!!
Big T is at this stage, I feel like we have been here for an eternity, of whining and intense frustration!! Any thing that doesn’t work out just right is an immediate whine or yell. I can’t seem to figure out how to get him to look at the situation or tell me about the problem more calmly. We seriously have tried so many different approaches and I’m over it. ARGG...
I also don’t seem to understand him. Today we went to a play date of sorts and they had a pool out but he refused to get in the pool. Pretty much everything that he did was by himself and didn’t really jump into the action at all. It made me sad and so very frustrated!! All he wants is me to play with him and so I thought that this opportunity to play with kiddos his own age would be great, but apparently not. He has his own agenda and wants to play with their toys, but never the kids themselves.
I worry that he will never make friends, or that I will be his only playmate ever!! I’m not going to lie, I sometimes hate being his playmate, it is hard for me to engage without getting bored or distracted. Plus I can’t just get up and down and all around as easily right now.
I wonder if all this not making friends is my fault? I seem to struggle with being more friendly and reside to stay at home where I’m comfortable and with someone I know enjoys me and gets me..(ME)!! But I don’t want that for him, I want him to be more like his dad. His dad can strike up a conversation with just about anybody. When we are out and about he talks to strangers and makes them laugh, he is clever and witty and puts people at ease. Not me, I make things more silent and awkward....
I’m seriously overwhelmed and sad and worried!!
I’m totally going to blame it on the prego hormones, which, by the way, I'm officially 30 weeks today!
Day 24
5 years ago