Monday, June 28, 2010

Where did June Go?

This month has gone by so fast, I can't believe it!!!
  We went to my parents house on the 12th for a week to have fun and relax before my sister's wedding, but of course it rained.  In between rain bursts we did manage to get some dirt bike riding in and I exploded a watermelon with my dad's shotgun.  What a thrill!!  The dogs enjoyed running around afterwards and finding all the pieces. 

My little sister took her endowments out on Friday the 17th at the Idaho Falls Temple, that same time Coach was getting  his Lasik eye surgery.  Yay!!  He was sorta blind for the rest of the day. My family went to a buffet to eat dinner and poor Coach couldn't tell what the food was.  He said he just kept getting nachos because he could tell what they were.  The next day he was tons better.  It has been over a week now and he can see awesome!  His eyes are still a little bright light sensitive and at night he has sees small halos where lights are, but the doc said that both issues will go away soon.

On the 18th of June my little sister was married.  It was stressful for me because I was her bridesmaid and her photographer.  It was so hard because I didn't have a flash and it was so super sunny out so tons of shadows in faces. :-(  It was supposed to be cloudy that day.  I feel that the photos turned out horribly, and I'm so disappointed with them.  I wish that I would have bought the flash like I've been meaning too, and I should have scouted out the area better.  Instead I was rushing around with other priorities ( Coach's eye check up. ) I definitely should have had a better game plan.  I have one more wedding to shoot in September for my other sister and I'm also in it.  It is so stressful to be two parts I've come to know.

My Baby Sister and her Husband

The Family (minus 2)
The Girls!

I know I look like crap, but everyone else looked great in this photo.  Actually there isn't a photo where I look good in.

 My Family :-)
And of course Big T.  He is so stinkin' cute!!!

On the way home from my parents house we saw this Family of Mosen!! ( If you haven't heard of Brian gotta check him out. Hilarious comedian.)


  1. how fun!!! i love that pic of your little family!! your little guy is the CUTEST!!!

  2. Your family is so cute and I loved the picture of the three of you. I think that your pictures turned out good. You did an awesome job. I think you look cute in the pictures. I love the picture of Cortley and Nathan, very cute.
