Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big T on the Move

Big T is really getting the walking thing down, a little clumsy still but that just might have to do with his breeding!  It's funny cuz when he walks he moves his right hand like he is leading a choir maybe it has to do with his balance? I'm sure enjoying him learn and discover this new talent of his.

He sure misses his daddy, he seems to gravitate to males lately, especially his Uncle Nathan, but now he is gone too, poor kiddo :-).  It just breaks my heart.  The good news is that Coach will be home in 3 days and will be home with just us for 2 whole weeks!!! It's sad that two weeks is so exciting for me, but I'll take it!

I've done okay with him being gone, I have had a meltdown or two, but I think that overall that is pretty good.  I hope that I won't keep in this patterns of meltdowns or it will be a long 400 days.  I might have to take some people up on their offers to help out every once in awhile.  Truth is that is hard to do.  I feel like if I do then I look weak or incompetent, and I want to be strong.  I feel like I need to be for my little guy! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oh Happy Day...

I've been wanting to blog and tell of the things that are going on, but I haven't been able to figure out how to put it down with out being a jumbled mess, but if so hopefully it will still be understood.

Coach has been off doing his thing, which as he tells me is really nothing, just hanging out, and I believe him...it is the army way :-).  
I've been at home, of course, and although I miss my husband tons, I've been doing better than I thought I would.  Still not eating, but when I get hungry enough I will finally figure out a meal for myself that is nutritious as well as yummy!!!  Going for the quick and yummy right now.

I think the number one thing that keeps everything sane is Big T!  The last couple of days I can't help but feel How incredibly lucky I am.  I have the most amazing friend and companion I could ask for! 
my favorite parts of the day are when I hear Big T awake in his room from his naps and I when I walk in there his eyes light up and the biggest grin covers his face!! It makes my heart melt instantly and that contagious smile of his is immediately painted on my face.  We then just play and giggle while he is still in his crib and I doing some crazy wacko thing that you would only see a parent doing and not think to  call a mental hospital.  It really makes me realize that everything is fine, that my life is gooood!

I can't believe how fast Big T is growing, he has his bottom teeth and it loks like the top ones will be making their appearance soon.  He is starting to take steps with out holding on to anything!! Eveytime he does I can't hold in my excitement and will clap, even if I am in the middle of a conversation.  He is also talking with his mouth open instead of doing the ventriloquist act he has been doing for a while now, he is so stinkin' talented and cute!  We are also back to the spitting out food phase, which now that he is older he has more force and the distant is so much greater!

I truly am in an amazing phase of my life.  I love being a mom, and it is hard work and not always with cherries on top, but I will put my tally to all those before me and those around me who say it is totally worth it. It is totally worth it!!!!!!  I'm by far not the greatest mom out there, my kid has fallen off high places, has eaten everything (grass, dirt, wood, bird poop, bugs, leaves, toilet paper, paper, dog food,
wet wipes..ect), he sometimes gets called and coaxed like a puppy, and I have hit his head on the door jam a couple of times.  Astonishingly he is still alive and hasn't really been sick..yet.   I used to be worried about being the right kind of mom, but I'm my kind of mom, a one of a kind. Of course there is tons of room for improving.

Big T and Coach have made my cup full, I can't wait until the cup upgrades, cuz I know it will eventually.  (p. s. I also know that I helped fill my cup.)

I wanted to share my happy thoughts that I've had the past couple of days and my happy experiences, I hope they are enjoyed and bring happiness to someone!

(oh and Big T does have other clothes, he just seems to be in this outfit when the camera is rollin')

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big T's 10 month B-day

Since Coach will not be here for Big T's birthday we decided to do a birthday party early and sort-of a farwell party for Coach.  My Marme hosted it at her house in Idaho.  We invited Coach's parents and his Grandparents (on his mother's side).  I never thought that in a million years that we would get my family and his family together in one place, let alone for a couple of days.  It was incredible and a really great weekend. 

His Grandma is known for her cooking and had that under control,  My Papa also did some cooking, so in other words we had tons of great food, and did I mention tons!!!! 
Coach's parents had never really been to a ranch out in the middle of no where, and really enjoyed themselves. They loved hearing the history and just had a good ol time.  Coach was able to get his mom on a motorbike again and his dad went for a ride with my dad. Coach's dad used to be a big dirt biker in the day and was sponsored by Suzuki!  His back is pretty screwed up from it all, so wasn't able to ride for long.

 A fun picture of the guys under the hood!!

  The next load of pictures is of Big T's party.  At first he wasn't sure about the cake.  He kept looking around like he was going to get in trouble, but would get bigger and bigger handfuls as he went on.  Then after my face got shoved into the cake he really took off!!

He absolutely loved feeding his daddy cake...I'm pretty sure his dad was more covered than he was!!
He loves his daddy so much!!!