Thursday, December 13, 2012

What we've been up too

Coach and I have been busy, well coaching.  We had a blast this season coaching the girls together.
They were fun and though we didn't make it to the championship, We really had a great team.  My 7th grade team never got beat by more than 6 points!!
Coach still has one last game on Friday
This is My Team!!! They were great fun! (Don't Have a pic yet of Coach's Team)

After Thanksgiving we went and got our tree.  We probably should have waited cuz there wasn't much snow and it is tradition to go sledding when getting our tree. But we made do.

Then the a couple days later we decorated the tree...and got out the Train!!

Every day we have Tristan pull out of a jar a Christmas activity. We haven't done a lot because of basketball.  We have gone to the library and watched Christmas movies and feed the ducks.  Tristan even made this cute Christmas tree craft!

 Tonite we made and decorated a Gingerbread House!! This is the first time I have ever made one, Coach asked me why we didn't do one earlier in our idea, it was so much fun!! Even though it does look like Tristan did it by himself.

Coach added a back patio with tiki torches!!

We even played Jenga ( the flash was off)  Oh and I won!!!

A new amazing development has occurred....Tristan lays Eggs!!!


  1. Looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun. Your tree is very nice, my boys are jealous they really want a train around their tree (maybe someday). Your gingerbread houses are awesome, great job. Tristan did a good job on his Christmas Tree craft.

  2. Looks like you guys have been busy but having a great time! Love all the pictures as usual. Tristan is so stinking cute and he's growing so fast!! Merry Christmas you guys! Love ya!
