Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh it Happened!!

Yesterday afternoon was not my day!!  First off, I had a meeting with Verizon, and I was bawling from  not cool reasons, so My eyes were puffy and I'm sure I looked awesome.  That's not the best part though...
I had to run into Target to grab some eyeliner, and I was talking on the phone with a friend, which I normally don't do when I'm checking out, but It was one item thought it would be quick.  It might have been, but I scattered change everywhere and Big T was screaming and kicking. It doesn't end there.  I was still on the phone and I walked out the automatic doors and had to put Big T down to rearrange myself and he walked to the opposite "coming in" automatic doors so I followed him and the door opened right over my foot! Yep my foot was stuck!!  I couldn't even get it pulled out before the door was closing again, it dragged me with joke!! I finally got me foot freed from my sandal, and then had to yank and tug at my sandal to get it out from under the stupid door!! Shockingly, Big T didn't leave the store during the whole fiasco. 
To top it off, I was driving home and I noticed something fly by my face a couple of times, and then it hit me, like literally hit me!!  My son was throwing his cookie at me!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Cami what a rough day!!!! (I realize that may be an understatement!) I'm thinking of you girlie, and I hope it's all better soon. :)
