Friday, December 2, 2011

Big T at a Glance

Big T has been busy, and has had some fun changes!!
First we put him into a big bed a month ago...He loves it ( it now is on a frame )

Here he is helping mom wash dishes..then himself.

This is when he was getting his molar's in...he never swallowed his saliva!  Can't you tell he loved this change....hehe!

Coach's Thanksgiving dinner!!
Poor kid only at mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving, that's the only thing that didn't hurt is teeth.


  1. what a cuuuute little guy washing those dishes!!

  2. So cute, he is getting so big. It is nice to have such a big helper like that. Looks like Thanksgiving was fun despite the sore mouth.
    Being an adult is great and can I say that I am grateful for my "lemons" and that I don't have others. Thank you for sharing it is always a good reminder
