Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ousel Falls

Coach had a day off yesterday so we went on a hike up in Big Sky to Ousel Falls.  It was awesome and we got there in the morning before all the crazy weather.  It was Big T's first Hike and he really enjoyed it. I took tons of photos!!!
It was a pretty idiot proof hike, but we were in Big Sky.
Big T was really enjoying himself
 Big T loved looking at the water!
It was so crazy at how fast the water was movin'.

Ousel Falls...It would have been much prettier without the giant log down the middle!
There was so much mist/water down by the falls (Duh) and it was cold.
Shockingly, Big T didn't seem to mind it that much.
The Dogs, we didn't see them that much, they were exploring.

Big T had fallen asleep on the way back!
It was so adorable!

The End :-)


  1. How long is that hike? Looks like a pretty one, we might just have to do it too!

  2. It is actually a pretty easy hike, it is not even a mile to the falls like .8, but it was still fun.

  3. Loved the pictures!!! That does look like a nice hike, lots of photo ops. :0) Wish we had something like that up around here!
