Monday, May 17, 2010


I love the Sun and warm weather.  I don't always realize how much the weather effects my moods.  Now that it is warm out I get to go on more walks with Big T and the dogs and I feel better about myself.  I feel I am not down on myself as much lately, and I don't know if I should attribute it to the nice weather or the fact that I have been with Family a lot in the last couple of weeks.  It is probably both!  I love my Family and have been so fortunate to spend time with them two weekends in a row.

I also love this warm weather so we can have BBQ's.  We bought lawn furniture this weekend and a couple of weekends ago go a little fire pit thing that you can move around.  My goal is to  have tons of BBQ's this summer (when we get our gas tanks filled of course) and invite over couples and families to get to know them better.  That also scares me.  I am a wussy when it comes to inviting people because I'm afraid of rejection or they came and don't have a good time.  I don't want to come off desperate for them to be my friends, even though inside I might feel that way.  I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but it really is scary.  My goal is to invite over one family we don't know that well before the end of this month.  Wish me Luck! :-)


  1. Cami that is a great idea and sounds very fun! How could it not be fun to have a bbq outside and hang out with you guys?! I think the couple/family you invite over this month will be very lucky :)

  2. Good luck. That is awesome. I am sure they will have fun.

  3. I wish we lived closer! That sounds like a blast!!!!! I think you'll make a lot of friends because you're going to have the fun house to hang out with! (Not to mention how very awesome you are!!!!)
